Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have always been a little inappropriate. Meaning, I don’t think before I speak. My bad habit has gotten me into a lot of trouble, but it has gotten better since my move to Utah. One specific inappropriate comment that I made to a friend stands out in my memory. I made this comment almost three years ago, but it was so bad that I can remember every detail to this day.

I was so excited to be an incoming freshman at the University of Nebraska. I went to college not knowing anyone; all my friends went to different schools. I wanted to make a good impression of course, and after the first few weeks of school I started settling into a secure group of friends. I joined a sorority and made tons of new friends.

I went out with some sisters one night to a fraternity party. I had a few drinks, and I started talking to a very cute boy (my best friend now). We were joking around and he said, “You can’t hold your beer very well.” My immediate response was, “Your mom can’t hold her beer very well,” thinking I was so funny. He immediately got silent. By the look on his face I already knew what he was about to say. He told me that his mom had died. The worst part was that she died only 8 months prior to that night. I felt awful and apologized a thousand times. I thought wow I’m off to a great start…NOT.

Ever since that night, I have never used a “your mom” joke ever again. That was probably one of the worst college experiences I have ever had. I was embarrassed and ashamed, and he was sad and hurt. How could I be so dumb? Luckily that boy forgave me and we are best friends to this day. The look on his face that night will be inculcated into my mind forever. I am somewhat more careful about thinking before I speak, because I never want to hurt a friend like that again. It was sheer ignorance and stupidity on my part that almost cost me a great friend.

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